Resources Library
Big ol collection of nifty things on all kinds of subject matter relevant to my intrests to some degree. Obviously, this is not a 100% endorsement of every tiny thing included in each link. This library is also ever changing. You can use the buttons below to filter things by topic and/or CTRL+F to search for a specific tag if you are on your desktop.

Art, Programs
Various digital art tools.
Big ol list of various FOSS or free tools, ranging from 3D, fonts, zine makers, game making, and more.
Experimental digital art software, with some purposely limited tools and functions to encourage users to "output of a great number of good, bad, strange and beautiful shapes." I find this nice for when I feel too booged down by the number of tools other software has or if I need a change of pace.
Everyone's fav FOSS 3D model software. Supports 2D animation as well apparently?
FOSS alternative to Lighttable. You can also automate tedious, boring stuff with Lua as well.
Fun collaborative drawing software, akin to ol' iScribble but you have to download it.
Software for assembling/making zines.
Ever wanted to make your own font? Well here you go!
GIF editor/maker software.
You've probably heard this one. It's the common FOSS PhotoShop alternative. Bunch of features, weird learning curve, unfortunate name.
Free web-based font designer.
Vector/SVG editor useful for a bunch of stuff. Illustrator Alternative. No CMYK support.
General raster digital art software with a 2D animation engine.
Krita plug-in that lets you make custom themes for the UI!
2D, frame-by-frame animation software comparible to something like ToonBoom or TVPaint [though not exactly the same]. Bit of a learning curve.
Sprite editor with animation.
Static site template for hosting/showcasing webcomics.
Preps files for Riso printing.
More for layouts for flyers, magazines, other print media. Akin to InDesign. Supports CMYK!
Software made specificlly for storyboarding animation.
Animation software that's more focused on rig/puppet based animation you'd see with stuff made with old school Flash, though pretty bare bones.
Programs [Just Free]
Pretty basic, light weight drawing and 2D animation software. No CMYK support. Win and Mac only.
Similar to Alchemy, but with much more organic brush textures. Also avalible on Android and iOS if I recall.
"Diet" Clip Studio Paint. More geared towards folks who wanna make comics/manga. Some features require a sub. Win and Mac only. Also on iOS and Android.
Lets you stick all of your ref material/photos in one spot. Also nifty for building things like mood/inspo boards.
Programs [$$]
What I used to use primarily. Solid program, though they now offer it in a confusing payment model. No CMYK support if memory is correct. Either one-time-payment or subscription. On Windows or Mac but not Linux natively. Also on iOS and Android.

Art, Digital Assets
Digital things you can use in your art making.
Assets [Free/CC/Public Domain]
Shiny's got a list of both free and paid brushes and textures mostly for Clip Studio Paint, including some halftone ones.
Free and open libre/public domain fonts by women/femms/women-adjecent people.
Free and paid assests for design.
Free for commercial use vintage illustrations.
Free? Icons, music, tools, so on. Be sure to check the free vs paid licenses. Does feature AI-powered tools.
Open-source illustrations, one art style.
High quaility photos, most are free for personal and commercial use without needing to credit.
Free and open libre/public domain font foundry. Also neat articles and the like.
Free and/or royalty free photos, videos, sounds, clipart, and more.
Mostly geared towards Adobe users, but some assets can be easily used in other art software.
Woah hey stuff I made!
Photos, vids, sounds, and more. Some PD and some CC.
Assets [$$]
Shit's a pretty penny but really good.
Mix of free and premium textures and assets.

Art, Learning / Other
Stuff on learning how to art, and other art/crafting/making related things.
Learn how to draw, starting from the basics. Very detailed and free.
All sorts of free, old drawing books.
PDF book on typogrophy. Also contains a ton of links at the end of the book before the bibliography.
Learn about text art i.e. old school ASCII art.
Use a 3D model to find references of human heads at various angles.
Similar to Reference Angle, but more focused on animals.

Web Dev
Webmastery, tools, coding, that kind of stuff.
Archive of alternative web code and design.
Guide to help not web-savvy people get started making their own website. NOTE: While this guide is safe for work, other content on the site is for an 18+/adult audience.
Tools/Web apps/Templates
FOSS wiki software you can host yourself on or offline.
Static tempate for hosting webcomics. Very plug-n-play.
Flexible note-taking web app.

Web, Indie / Small
The indie, not-corpo, personal, and/or small web inculding where it is, what it is, and how you can participate.
Manifestos, Articles, and Essays
Per Axbom's blog/website with various articles related to digital ethics and design.
Modern [circa early 2020's] manifesto on taking back the web, the current state of cyberspace, and things you can to get take back control. Short and easy to read.
From 1997. Short and easy to read.
2020, essay explaining the history of the small/indie web, the current nature of the internet, and how you can get back to the small/indie web. Long but easy to read.
Small community hosted on a Linux server.
Hub for the Yesterweb community, with a ton of resources, info, and so on regarding building a better, more humane internet.
Cheap webhosting
Free static webhosting.
Cheap webhosting for personal and hobby websites.
Small community hosted on a Linux server. Requires a sign up/approval.

Web, Fediverse / Mastodon
Info, tools, and more for Mastodon and the wider Fediverse.
Getting Started/Guides
In the order of most beginner friendly to more advanced topics, not alphabetical order.Small and easy guide to Mastodon, aimed at Twitter users.
An "informal, unofficial guide for non-technical people who want to use Mastodon and the wider Fediverse."
Information on the Fediverse, including the various apps/platforms that reside in it, server lists, guides, so on.
Article and visual of the various platforms that make up the Fediverse.
The what, why, and a bit of the how to build your own social media space on the web/the Fediverse.
For joining Mastodon, including info on what Mastodon is, a list of servers to join, support, and so on.
For both users and admins.For those moving from Twitter to the Fediverse/Mastodon. Find the Fediverse contacts of your followers and people you are following on Twitter.
Tool to visualize networks and communities on the fediverse. Will not work on instances with 10 or fewer users.
An instance finder, but for funny animal people.
Instance finder. NOTE: make sure you filter properly/be mindful and discerning that some instances featured might not be the safest thing you want to associate with.
For joining Mastodon, including info on what Mastodon is, a list of servers to join, support, and so on.
Crosspost between Mastodon and Twitter.
For those moving from Twitter to the Fediverse/Mastodon. Find the Fediverse contacts of your followers and people you are following on Twitter.
Hosting/Services, Fediverse
Afforable hosting and set up for your own Mastodon instance.
Afforable hosting and set up for building Mastodon, Hometown, Pixelfed, and other similar community/self run social media platforms.

Fun Stuff :)
Fun and feel-good/amusing things found in cyberspace.
Digital Toys
Bongo cat!
A "bare-handed speech synthesis" thing.
Micro, in-browser game about a cat looking for the right spot. Short and sweet with a cute ending.
Web Art
Group web art project featuring mushrooms.
Cool web project hosted on a solar server.

Stuff that didn't fit anywhere else in the library.
Pick what you got in your pantry and it'll summon some things you can cook.
Online noise maker.