Tusks and Roses

- NAME: Rosie
- AGE: Older Adult
- PRONOUNS: any/doesn't care
- SPECIES: Boar/Badger
- OCCUPATION: Jockey [tank, former], Captain
- INTERESTS: Jockey life, big machines, body mods, floral print and florals in general, taking care of his folks, card games.
- FORTES: Ward, Shift
- FALLS: Everything else
- BOONS: Tank, Unified, Friends and Roses
- BANES: Slow Recovery, Slow Learner, Restless
Loyal | Disciplined | HardyResistaint to change | Loyal to a fault | Not always the most rational
Grizzled old-school type with a soft spot.
Rosie deeply values loyalty and respect, sees his crewmates as close siblings or family members, isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty, and expects those around him to toil as hard as he does to get the job done. However, he’s also prone to getting stuck in his ways, is adverse to change, and can be overly dogmatic about the traditions within the underground culture of meat-mech manning syout he has dedicated much of his life to.
Rosie is a badger-boar who jockeys the Heracles II. After the crew he used to run with was torn apart thanks to a gig that went sideways, he’s left to keep that flame alive by becoming the new captain of GraveRaisers, assembling a new crew, and find/rescue his old crewmates at any cost.
FAMILY:- Cedar: Younger brother he primarly raised. Finds his obliviouness to various things a little annoying a best and deeply frustrating at worse, but cherishes his goofy good nature he's kept even in the face of some awful experinces. [Positive]
- Other relatives: [Mixed/its complicated]
- Old crewmates: [Mixed/its complicated]
- Mag: Sees her like a sibling. One of the few people carried over from the old Graveraisers. Her big, bombastic personality and rash choices can be much at times, but he's pretty used to it now. [Positive]
- Stranger: Likes their dedication and passion to their craft, but butts heads with them very so often. Finds the way they keep an emotional distance between them and others and their asocial tendencies offputting. [Mostly Positive]
- Heracles II: His noble steed. Cultured with the help of his mentor and Mag, Heracles II is tailor-fitted to him and his operation style. [Positive]