

Good Ol' Boy


  • NAME: Clay
  • AGE: Adult
  • PRONOUNS: He/him
  • SPECIES: Beaver/Bear

  • OCCUPATION: Vet student [former, drop out/"on break"], nightshift clerk, caretaker for parent
  • INTERESTS: Aquaculture, fishing, being out in nature, guitar, comedy and fantasy adventure movies/comics, chill gatherings with friends, strategy and mathy puzzle games, hobbies that require steady hands and precision.

  • FALLS: N/A
  • BOONS: N/A
  • BANES: N/A


Heart of Gold | Upbeat | Hardworker
A bit of a people pleaser | Underestimates Himself | Prone to Hedonism
Jolly guy taken from a quiet lakeside and stuck in a grey, sad town.



  • Mother: Loves her dearly. She is the person who sparked his love for aquatic and semi-aquatic creatures. He worries about how she's handled his dad's illness and just wants to help make things easier on her, even if she insists she can handle it on top of everything else going on in her life. She can't, and he doesn't want her to run herself into the dirt doing more than she can. [Positive]
  • Father: Loves him dearly. He finds his ability to keep an upbeat attitude admirable as he is managing the weird illness he's been stricken with. His deeper dive into religious devotion sort of brings up complicated feelings as this situation makes Clay question the faith. [Positive]
  • Uncle: Owns the chain of stores Clay works at. Really, really doesn't like him and his business man mentality, but isn't sure how to express that and he doesn't want to appear ungrateful. [Negative]
  • Orin: An acquaintance who visits the shop he works at regularly. Thinks they are over all a good person, appreciates that he's helpful, listens to him vent occasionally about life, and that they share similar interests. Plus he's the only tech oddjobber he finds trustworthy. Other guys have either lied about what they can actually fix, provide poir quality bootlegs, or just run off with his stuff. That said, he finds their secretiveness around certain subjects a little suspicious/curious. [Positive]
  • Stranger: A little wary of them as their association with the syout stuff [that kind of thing is seen as a pretty dangerous, even immortal thing to get involved with, but that taboo does pique his curiosity], and finds them difficult to read communication-wise. [Mixed]
  • Cliff: Sees him as charitable as he's helped his dad get the healthcare he needs using his connections. Clay sees him as one of the mostly "good" rich people around. That said, talking to him makes him feel like he is being talked down to like a kid sometimes, and feels pressure to show up to service regularly. [Mostly Positive]




