An illustration of two strange beasts--one caterpillar-like with spikes and horns, and a velvet worm like beast with limbs attatched--engaged in a fight, with the caterpillar-like beast striking with a claw.


2024 | Digital [Krita]

A perhaps not-so-friendly practice spar between two xens and their jockeys.

A clearer illustration of the beast Stranger and their xen, Venohaze, are in a tussle with. I wanted to design a beast with a simple base body that was further fleshed out with mods of some sort. I'd imagine a jockey tight on resources would opt to assemble their xen piece-by-piece as they accumulated the things they'd need to bring about their vision, verses culturing/converting/etc a xen from scratch all at once.

This piece is part of a larger of body of work that you can explore further here.

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